Our Values

Commitment and experience

Milton stands to benefit from the leadership and insight afforded by local expertise. 

Equity, diversity, and inclusion

We embrace diversity. Milton is a better community because it is a diverse community. 


Milton’s average single-family home price is over $900,000. We need more affordable housing options for young families, seniors, and renters. 

Smart growth

We embrace policies that encourage smart growth, support small businesses, and provide amenities to our residents.

Excellence in schools and public services

We support policies that maintain and enhance the quality of our public schools, our seniors, our youth, and public safety.

Collaboration and truth

We reject extremism and the spread of misinformation. We aim to provide an alternative to radicalized national politics.


PO Box 870243
Milton Village, MA 02187

About us

We are a registered municipal political action committee that works to increase voter engagement in local elections. We share information about local candidates and issues that relate to our values.

Paid for by Engage Milton